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22 posts tagged with "DaaS"

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· 4 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Frame started out during the early days of cloud computing, learning to adapt to rapid changes and building features to meet the needs of our many unique customers. We weren't just built during early public cloud development, Frame was built on the public cloud and has always taken an agile development and delivery approach -- anticipating customer demands and acting quickly to provide new solutions using the latest technology innovations.

Since Frame was acquired by Nutanix in August of 2018, we've continued to make some impressive changes to our Desktop as a Service (DaaS) platform. Customers now have the option to choose from 3 major players in public cloud: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and (more recently) Google Cloud Platform. They can also run virtual applications and desktops powered by Frame in their own private cloud, on-premises with Nutanix AHV.

· 10 min read
Carsten Puls

One part of our collective shared experience of the last few weeks has been watching as one event after the other has been cancelled. Massive trade shows, conferences and events that have been running continuously for decades were all of a sudden… gone. HIMSS, NAB, SXSW, Google Next, Facebook F8, Adobe Summit, Apple WWDC, the Olympics...the list goes on and on. This left attendees, event planners, marketers, and companies with a huge void and the big question: what do we do now?

· 8 min read
Ruben Spruijt

In this blog series, I've discussed the pros and cons of VDI and DaaS, providing some guidelines to help you make smarter choices. If you've read the previous blog posts, you probably have a pretty good idea what your EUC goals are, what obstacles you face, and how to be successful with DaaS. This time I want to talk about Nutanix Frame, our innovative DaaS platform, and explain what makes Frame unique compared to other DaaS solutions such as Amazon Workspaces, Citrix Cloud, Microsoft WVD (Windows Virtual Desktop), and VMware Horizon Cloud.

I've often said, “We live in a world where everybody is working together and at the same time everybody is competing. This is the new normal.” Finding the balance between competition and partnership is healthy. It keeps Nutanix sharp and helps us to deliver value for customers now and in the future.

· 4 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Frame started out during the early days of cloud computing, learning to adapt to rapid changes and build features to meet the needs of our many unique customers. We weren’t just built during early public cloud development, Frame was built on the public cloud and has always taken an agile development and delivery approach -- anticipating customer demands and acting quickly to provide new solutions using the latest technology innovations.

· 9 min read
Ruben Spruijt

So far in this series, I've talked about the advantages of VDI and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) over traditional desktops and laptops, looked at the challenges that get in the way of VDI success, and examined how Nutanix HCI overcomes those challenges. In this blog, I want to focus on DaaS.

At the end of blog 2, I suggested that—although it doesn't get you out of doing the necessary homework entirely—DaaS provides an alternative way to address VDI use cases, and it also unlocks new use-cases. For many companies, DaaS is simply a better fit than VDI or a complementary technology that can better address specific needs. Read more about the benefits of DaaS.

Designing, building, running, and maintaining VDI in-house can be challenging due to constraints that may include skills, datacenter space, budget limitations, and staffing. IT teams may already be oversubscribed. Finding and retaining experienced administrators with the skills to run a modern—but also complex—VDI platform can be difficult. Adding VDI to your existing mix of applications and services may just multiply your challenges.

· 7 min read
Ruben Spruijt

In blog 2 in this series, I talked about three big issues that can derail a VDI project: poor user experience, excessive solution complexity, and high costs. I also explained why hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is widely recognized as the solution to these challenges. But, when it comes to VDI, not all HCI solutions are the same. Nutanix is uniquely capable of addressing VDI infrastructure challenges and delivering a better overall VDI solution. Virtual applications and desktops are almost literally in Nutanix's DNA. Today we have thousands of customers successfully delivering millions of virtual apps and desktops on Nutanix—all covered by our world-class support. While this blog focuses on VDI, the Nutanix platform supports both VDI and DaaS solutions addressing a broad range of use-cases.

· 5 min read
Ruben Spruijt

In the first blog in this series, I talked about the main advantages of VDI and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), including centralized management, improved security, and ability to support bring-your-own-device (BYOD). This time, I want to focus on common problems that arise with VDI. We'll look at three big VDI challenges—poor user experience, solution complexity, and high costs.