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4 posts tagged with "public cloud"

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· 12 min read
David Horvath

Leveraging Frame Admin API to Stick to your Public Cloud Budget

In a previous blog post, I showed how you could use Frame Admin API to monitor Frame accounts that had running instances because of misconfigured account capacity settings. This could lead to spending more on your cloud infrastructure than is needed. In this blog, I will demonstrate how you can use the Frame Admin API to identify and delete user volumes that have not been used in a while. Periodically removing unused volumes can help keep cloud storage costs down and can make sure that your data retention policies are being appropriately followed.

· 9 min read
David Horvath

Leverageing Frame Admin API to Stick to your Public Cloud Budget

The Frame Education team uses public cloud infrastructure to conduct labs that demonstrate the power and capabilities of Frame. Sometimes during the course of these labs, students change the capacity settings of their Frame lab accounts to have machines running 24x7. Since these machines are in a public cloud, this can cause unnecessary and unexpected cloud expenses. To combat this, I developed a script to check all of the Frame accounts in the Frame Education customer entity and send alerts to a Slack channel if an account has a machine setup to run outside the hours of the Frame Lab. This allows the Frame instructors to identify and shutdown machines running outside of the lab's hours and shut them down. In this blog, I will go over how I used the Frame Admin API to accomplish this.

· 6 min read


Desktop and application virtualization is not new technology, but has become more of an essential component for businesses of all sizes for the better part of a decade. More and more customers see the benefits of virtual applications and desktops--you can read more about why they are turning to VDI and DaaS.

Transitioning virtual application and desktop environments from on-premises to the cloud in the past has been challenging due to security requirements, networking requirements, and overall unfamiliarity with cloud services. Our goal is to hide complexity and make end user computing (EUC) as simple and as easy as possible, while being flexible to support your own security and network requirements.

· 4 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Frame started out during the early days of cloud computing, learning to adapt to rapid changes and building features to meet the needs of our many unique customers. We weren't just built during early public cloud development, Frame was built on the public cloud and has always taken an agile development and delivery approach -- anticipating customer demands and acting quickly to provide new solutions using the latest technology innovations.

Since Frame was acquired by Nutanix in August of 2018, we've continued to make some impressive changes to our Desktop as a Service (DaaS) platform. Customers now have the option to choose from 3 major players in public cloud: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and (more recently) Google Cloud Platform. They can also run virtual applications and desktops powered by Frame in their own private cloud, on-premises with Nutanix AHV.