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42 posts tagged with "rspruijt"

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· 2 min read
Ruben Spruijt

For me, end user computing (EUC) is more than just a transformative technology. I find it personally gratifying to see so many customers, partners, competitors, friends, and even my own 3 kids getting work done and succeeding with EUC solutions. I love listening to their challenges, guiding them with advice, and sharing insights on how EUC is developing and can help them meet their goals. EUC is HOT and is leading the way!

I recently put all of this and more into my EUC Vision keynote talk for the EUC Tech Summit, the zero-fluff event designed by and for EUC geeks and visionaries. I talk about how EUC is changing how we Get Work Done, especially in light of recent EUC technology developments. I talk about how we are moving towards “Workspace 2025” and also lay out the Nutanix EUC vision for getting us there. My keynote, as well as all of the other sessions from the Summit, are now available on-demand.

· 10 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Welcome to Part 2 of the ‘Top 5 DaaS Mistakes and How to Avoid Them' series! While customers would love nothing more than to consume virtual apps and desktops as a commodity service, the truth is that even in 2021, there are a number of design considerations that will ultimately determine whether your DaaS implementation will be successful or not.

If you haven't had a chance to read Part 1, where we covered the topic of Sizing and Optimizing Workload VMs, be sure to check it out by clicking here!

For Part 2, we are focusing on the topic of Single User vs. Multi-User workload models!

· 8 min read
Ruben Spruijt

As overall public cloud adoption continues to increase, cloud services adoption and revenue will naturally increase as well. Due to the massive shift toward telework as a result of COVID-19, the Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) market is expected to be one of the fastest growing cloud services—Gartner expects DaaS to grow over 95% YOY in 2020 and over 62% YOY in 2021.

Organizations are now focused on evaluating and implementing solutions that will not only help them address the new normal in a post-COVID world, but also provide them with the nimbleness to quickly adapt to whatever changes the future of work may bring.

· 4 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Nutanix EUC Tech Summit, the zero-fluff event designed by and for EUC geeks and visionaries, was a huge success. Thousands of viewers tuned in for keynotes, breakouts, and demos from 17 speakers working on the cutting edge of EUC. One of the top sessions was a great interview with Shawn Bass (CTO VMware), Christian Reilly (former VP and CTO at Citrix) and Nikola Bozinovic (founder of Frame, VP/GM Desktop Services at Nutanix).

· 3 min read
Ruben Spruijt

"If you're grateful it's hard to be grumpy" is a quote that helps me to stay focused on the good and positive things in life - especially these days with very limited in-person communication, all kinds of restrictions, polarisation, social isolation, and higher rate of burn-out and various global challenges.

Yes, there are reasons to be concerned and grumpy, but it is important to stay positive since there are many things to be grateful for. Of course my reasons differ from those of others, but I am grateful for my family (3 adult children and a great wife), awesome friends, freedom, relationship with God, and health.

Also, the ability to exercise outdoors, walk the dog, play games with kids, enjoy a nice BBQ, a great motor ride and working for Nutanix, with a focus on End User Computing, are reasons for me personally to be grateful. "If you love what you do you never have to work a day in your life" applies to me. By the way, a great book to read is "Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think."

· 7 min read
Ruben Spruijt

When "work from home" became the norm for many of us, there were those that had the ability to work from everywhere with virtual desktops and applications, and those that didn't. Those organizations with modern, flexible VDI and DaaS solutions in place said "No sweat. We got this."

Delivering the best user experience, supporting a modern workforce with delivery of virtual desktop and applications, and adopting cloud resources both on-premises and in the public cloud is key for many of us. Unfortunately, too many organizations prioritize cost reduction rather than delivering a great user experience, and often fundamental questions are answered too simply and expectations are not properly managed. So, how can you use Nutanix Frame, our desktop as a service solution, to both deliver a great user experience and lower costs?

· 3 min read
Ruben Spruijt

In May of 2018, we announced Frame on AHV for deploying, running, and managing virtual desktop and application workload on Nutanix AHV - all still orchestrated from the Frame cloud backplane.

One of the core values of Frame is the ability to support workloads in multiple clouds, including public clouds with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and on-premises powered by Nutanix AHV. It wasn’t a surprise that our customers started adopting Frame with AHV in volumes in a very short span of time. But we were impressed to see how many customers have also embraced a hybrid cloud model, with some workloads on-prem and some in the public cloud.

· 7 min read
Ruben Spruijt

You probably remember Marvel Comics' "Fantastic Four." They're a superhero team on a mission to make the world a better place by battling evil doers like Doctor Doom and Ronan the Accuser, ruler of the negative zone! Sometimes trying to launch a remote work initiative can make you feel like you need a band of superheroes to help you vanquish Doctor "Can't Do" and "Mr. Impossible" from the "Department of No." Fear not, good citizens, Nutanix and Google Cloud have teamed up to give you the superpowers you need to provide secure, flexible workspaces with a great user experience.

The four key elements in Desktop as a Service are user Identity, easy Application Access, flexible Infrastructure to run virtual desktops and applications, and of course Storage to access your data. Nutanix Xi Frame and Google Cloud are great together and have a unique integration with the four IT superpowers: Google Identity, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Google Drive.

In this article we describe the advantages of this integration and share examples of the Xi Frame configuration. We also include a nice user-experience video with Frame and Google Identity, PWA, Google Drive FileStream, and GCP in action.

· 2 min read
Ruben Spruijt
  • What does a day in the life of an end user working in Frame look like?
  • What tasks does a Frame administrator do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to support 100s or 1000s of users?
  • What is a Super Admin and how does this “Super Woman” or “Super Man” manage Frame tenants across the globe?
  • What are the Customer, Organization and Account entities in a multi-tenant setup?
  • How does one connect a cloud subscription and how can one analyze usage?

These and many more great questions will be answered in three training videos - as easy as 1-2-3!