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One post tagged with "Google"

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· 7 min read
Ruben Spruijt

You probably remember Marvel Comics' "Fantastic Four." They're a superhero team on a mission to make the world a better place by battling evil doers like Doctor Doom and Ronan the Accuser, ruler of the negative zone! Sometimes trying to launch a remote work initiative can make you feel like you need a band of superheroes to help you vanquish Doctor "Can't Do" and "Mr. Impossible" from the "Department of No." Fear not, good citizens, Nutanix and Google Cloud have teamed up to give you the superpowers you need to provide secure, flexible workspaces with a great user experience.

The four key elements in Desktop as a Service are user Identity, easy Application Access, flexible Infrastructure to run virtual desktops and applications, and of course Storage to access your data. Nutanix Xi Frame and Google Cloud are great together and have a unique integration with the four IT superpowers: Google Identity, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Google Drive.

In this article we describe the advantages of this integration and share examples of the Xi Frame configuration. We also include a nice user-experience video with Frame and Google Identity, PWA, Google Drive FileStream, and GCP in action.