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One post tagged with "DaaS. rspruijt"

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· 11 min read
Ruben Spruijt

There are several key storage questions to consider when thinking about implementing DaaS. Where do you store your data? How do your applications access your files and folders? What is your experience like when your data and applications are not close to each other? How do you handle Windows User profiles in your non-persistent virtual desktop or application environment? How do you access data from your local device from your Frame-powered virtual desktop and application environment? After reading this blog, you'll have answers to these crucial storage questions.

Most of us use a variety of file storage solutions -- that is the reality in a modern workspace.

On a daily basis I am using Apple iCloud, DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Synology, Nutanix Files, Windows File Server, Azure Files, and some persistent desktops to store and use my data.