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Decoding the EUC Hexagrid

April 24, 2024
11:00 AM EST, 8:00 AM PST, 5:00 PM CEST

Decoding the EUC Hexagrid


Decoding the EUC Hexagrid

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Explore the Future of End-User Computing

Join us for an enlightening webinar where we'll explore the groundbreaking EUC Hexagrid, presented by Ruben Spruijt, Field CTO at Dizzion. Delve into the dynamic realm of End-User Computing (EUC) and discover how it's reshaping enterprise IT with innovation, flexibility, and a user-centric approach. This session will not only cover our top findings and trends from the whitepaper but also feature a fireside chat with community members. Gain invaluable insights into why EUC is vital in today's business landscape and how it can be leveraged to position your organization at the forefront of IT innovation.

Secure your spot in this enlightening session by filling out the registration form. Discover the impact of EUC on modern enterprise IT and engage in a thought-provoking conversation with our expert.

Ruben Spruijt
Field CTO, Dizzion

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