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Nutanix Frame and GPU - Options, Tools, and Best Practices

· 11 min read
Ruben Spruijt

This weighty blog describes the use-cases and GPU options for Frame in public clouds and on-premises. It also presents how to right-size the GPU-powered workload VMs, the tools to use, and the common mistakes to avoid when using GPUs with Frame.

From Tony Stark to Iron Man - How EUC is Building Tomorrow's Workspace Today

· 2 min read
Ruben Spruijt

For me, end user computing (EUC) is more than just a transformative technology. I find it personally gratifying to see so many customers, partners, competitors, friends, and even my own 3 kids getting work done and succeeding with EUC solutions. I love listening to their challenges, guiding them with advice, and sharing insights on how EUC is developing and can help them meet their goals. EUC is HOT and is leading the way!

I recently put all of this and more into my EUC Vision keynote talk for the EUC Tech Summit, the zero-fluff event designed by and for EUC geeks and visionaries. I talk about how EUC is changing how we Get Work Done, especially in light of recent EUC technology developments. I talk about how we are moving towards “Workspace 2025” and also lay out the Nutanix EUC vision for getting us there. My keynote, as well as all of the other sessions from the Summit, are now available on-demand.

Top 5 DaaS Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Single user vs. Multi-User

· 10 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Welcome to Part 2 of the ‘Top 5 DaaS Mistakes and How to Avoid Them' series! While customers would love nothing more than to consume virtual apps and desktops as a commodity service, the truth is that even in 2021, there are a number of design considerations that will ultimately determine whether your DaaS implementation will be successful or not.

If you haven't had a chance to read Part 1, where we covered the topic of Sizing and Optimizing Workload VMs, be sure to check it out by clicking here!

For Part 2, we are focusing on the topic of Single User vs. Multi-User workload models!

Supporting Frame on a Nutanix AHV Cluster - Time Configuration

· 5 min read
Dan Simmons

It's Frame time! (cue Time) This blog addresses the importance of time setup for an AHV-based Nutanix cluster supporting an on-prem Frame deployment. Anyone who has experience with or presently supports Nutanix clusters knows the importance of an accurate NTP time setup and recommended time configurations. If you are new to Nutanix cluster configurations in relation to time setup, please see the links at the end of this blog for more reference.

Time is a crucial factor when deploying Frame workloads on a Nutanix cluster. If not configured properly within the cluster and infrastructure components, it can prevent the Frame control plane from properly connecting to an on-prem cluster (due to Frame's cloud-based services and the on-prem setup mechanisms). For example, the one-click setup wizard in Prism Central and the Cloud Service account orchestration in the cloud will fail if time is not properly configured.

Bring Your Own AWS Network to Frame

· 8 min read
David Horvath

As enterprises continue to expand their IT footprint into the public clouds, extending existing private networking infrastructure into the cloud has become more critical. To address the flexibility that this requires, Nutanix has added a Bring Your Own (BYO) Networking feature to its Frame® Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution. In this blog, I walk you through how a test environment could be set up in an AWS® infrastructure to familiarize a Frame administrator with how this feature works. Integration into an actual private network depends on the specific implementation of that network.

BYO networking is useful when an enterprise wants to grant external or temporary access to internal resources. By leveraging a public cloud service like AWS, an enterprise can “rent” public-facing computing resources and grant users access to files or software anywhere in the world. It can also be used as “surge capacity” to grant more full-term employees access to what they need to perform their jobs, but are denied access to physical locations where the private network has been deployed.

You can find details on the network requirements for using Frame in a BYO networking scenario at Public Cloud with Private Networking.

Top 5 DaaS Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Sizing Workload VMs

· 8 min read
Ruben Spruijt

As overall public cloud adoption continues to increase, cloud services adoption and revenue will naturally increase as well. Due to the massive shift toward telework as a result of COVID-19, the Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) market is expected to be one of the fastest growing cloud services—Gartner expects DaaS to grow over 95% YOY in 2020 and over 62% YOY in 2021.

Organizations are now focused on evaluating and implementing solutions that will not only help them address the new normal in a post-COVID world, but also provide them with the nimbleness to quickly adapt to whatever changes the future of work may bring.

Education has Changed. Nutanix Frame Helps Schools and Students to continue Learning amid uncertainties

· 6 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education around the globe. Educators everywhere—at every level—had to hastily implement remote learning curricula for “learning-from-home” and try to continue maintaining student engagement with the changed environment. The current school year has been marked by a mix of classroom and remote learning, with sometimes jarring transitions from one to the other in response to outbreaks.

Former West Virginia Governor Bob Wise has likened COVID-19 to other natural disasters, saying, “There are three stages to any natural disaster. There’s triage, there’s transition to what is next, and if you’re very fortunate and deliberate, then transformation…We either take this very disrupted, very tumultuous year to plan and build a system that we want or we stumble along, always transitioning but rarely improving.”

New Frame App Expands DaaS Use Cases

· 4 min read
Yangzhi Zhao

Frame App for Windows and MacOS is now generally available (GA) with version 5.2+!

The new release includes the following feature enhancements:

  • Improved multi-monitor support (seamless window dragging and auto layout detection/setup)
  • Advanced Human Interface Device (HID) support (such as 3D SpaceMouse and speciality joysticks and controllers)
  • SmartCard (CAC) support (Windows devices only)
  • Scanner (WIA) support
  • Auto-update

EUC Tech Summit - Full Interviews with EUC Leaders Shawn Bass, Christian Reilly, and Nikola Bozinovic

· 4 min read
Ruben Spruijt

Nutanix EUC Tech Summit, the zero-fluff event designed by and for EUC geeks and visionaries, was a huge success. Thousands of viewers tuned in for keynotes, breakouts, and demos from 17 speakers working on the cutting edge of EUC. One of the top sessions was a great interview with Shawn Bass (CTO VMware), Christian Reilly (former VP and CTO at Citrix) and Nikola Bozinovic (founder of Frame, VP/GM Desktop Services at Nutanix).